miércoles, 5 de julio de 2023

Last Post

Hello bloggers
This is the last post of the semester.
I think the post I enjoyed writing the most was "A Photograph I Like" because writing it reminded me of moments about my family, friends, pets and our trips together.
One post that I didn't like to write that much was "A Country I Would Like To Visit" but only because it's something I really want to do but it's probably a long time away.
I think that through this blog my English has improved, because when writing we have to look for words to give coherence to what we are saying, I also think that it is a good way to memorize some rules and apply them.
At first I didn't really like this dynamic of the blog but it was only because I didn't know how to use it and it took me a long time, then I got used to it and this stopped being a problem for me.
It was also entertaining to see the posts of my classmates , they are all very different.
I hope we'll all see each other in English 4. 

miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023

A TV Program You Watched As A Child.

Today I would like to talk to you about a program that I used to watch when I was little. It's called The Wizards of Weaverly Place. This series is about a family of magicians and their adventures. The main character is called Alex Ruso and is played by Selena Gomez.
The story always revolved around how the 3 children of the family that are wizards lived in a world where there was no magic (specifically in Manhattan, New York).

This series was officially broadcast on disney channel from 2007 to 2012, and two movies were made about it, one is called "The Wizards of Waverky Place" the movie and the other is "The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex". Although today we can see the chapters and movies on Disney+.

I enjoyed watching this show with my sister because it was funny and the plot was compelling. It also had interesting characters, Harper, for example, who was Alex's best friend, all the chapters came with the most extravagant clothing designs or Austin who was more serious and focused on his studies but funny at the same time.  And Alex was always so sarcastic and real. I still love this show.
I hope you liked this post, until next time :).

miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023

A Family Meal

 A family dinner that I remember is when my family and I went on vacation to Playas Blancas when I was about 10-11 years old. 

We had a cabin there so they always invite my aunts, uncles, grandparents and other relatives yo spend time together. 

While I played with my cousins my family organizes to make dinner, wich always includes a roast and many different salads. today we hardly do barbecues, many of us are now vegetarians so we prefer plant-based food. 

When dinner was ready the children ate at the children´s table and the adults at the adults table because we were always too many for a single table haha!

The after dinner talk was always long, I also remember that my brother used to play the guitar in the afternoons. 

I have very good memories of those times. 

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023

A country I would like to visit

In my life I haven´t traveled so much out of  my country, but if I had the opportunity I would definitely go to Italy. 

I would like to visit Italy because there are many things to do. It´s a country full of history, architecture and good gastronomy.
The Amalfi Coast, Rome, Venice, Florence, are just some of the many places to visit in Italy. Each of them has its own vibe, a different architecture despite being in the same country. Here are some examples: 


Italy is the country with the most world heritage sites and also has an infinite number of pastas and pizza that I like would like to try. It is also a country full of art, The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci wich is in Milan now or David by Miguel Angel wich is in Florence are just an example of how talented  italians were and how well they developed their manual skills. 
I would like to visit Italy with my mother for at least two weeks, she loves history and I think it would be a good trip to do together but I also think that the Amalfi coast is a good place to go with friends.
That´s all for today, I hope you liked my post. :) .

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2023

Something I Did Last Weekend

Hi fau bloggers!

Last week was a relaxing week for me. I went to my parents house to spend time with my family, we had so much fun together. Almost all nights we got together to watch a movie . I have a large family and I´m happy to have been able to see them last week. 

Some days I worked (I,´m a nailtech) so saw a lot of clients and did her nails. We talked and we catch up with the gossip of the month. We always had so much fun together.

On friday after I finish my worked of the day I went out with friends. We went to a bar just to had some drinks but somehow we ended up in the disco until 5 a.m haha! We had so much fun. 

And finally, in the weekend I went to Viña del Mar to see my boyfriend who lives there. The days were sunny so we spend time at the beach, we went to a lot of restaurant and just enjoy the company of each other. 

In a summary, last week I was able to relax and just had fun with people I love. 

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2023

A Holiday as a Child


In my childhood when I was 10 or 11, my family and I used to go to Playas Blancas, which is located in the Litoral Central of Chile. I have a very numerous family and all the summers my parents invited them to vacation with us, so normally we were my three sisters, my brother, my nephew, my grandmother and some uncles and aunts with my cousins. 

My parents always rented the same house and I loved that, It was a wooden house two blocks away from the beach.  I remember the feelings that I had being in that house. It was so comfortable. The house had no TV so we actually spent time with each other, we played cards and of course, we went to the beach. 

The beach was not apt for swimming so we just played beach tennis in the seashore or we built sandcastles. My mom used to brought snacks so we could spend the whole afternoon at the beach.  

In that area was also the Laguna El Peral, which is a sanctuary of nature.We liked to go to this place and see the native flora and the different types of birds that went there. 

Playas Blancas was not a tourist beach back then and we liked that because we could spend some relaxed and fun time with the family. I remember that time with so much nostalgia, it was so fun!

miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023

A Photograph I Like


Today I´m going to show you two photographs that I like .The first one is so special to me. 

It´s not secret that I´m a cat person. This photo is from 2021, and you can see my two cats, Tuchi and Kiara together. I like this photo because it was such a great time, it reminds me of home and how good I was feeling in that time. Even they are no longer with me I remember them with much love. 

The second photograph that I want to show you is about travel.

 All summers my family and I like to go to the south of Chile. It is such a great trip. I choose this photo, from 2022, because it was a diferent experience.

That year we went to camping to diferent places, but this photo was taken in the  shore of Llanquihue lake. I took this photo from inside the tent, in the background you can se the volcano. 

I had never camped like and really liked it because i had so much fun. It reminds me of my family and the good times we had on those vacations.

Making this post made me feel nostagic, I think that´s all for today haha :)

Last Post

Hello bloggers This is the last post of the semester. I think the post I enjoyed writing the most was "A Photograph I Like" becaus...