miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023

A Photograph I Like


Today I´m going to show you two photographs that I like .The first one is so special to me. 

It´s not secret that I´m a cat person. This photo is from 2021, and you can see my two cats, Tuchi and Kiara together. I like this photo because it was such a great time, it reminds me of home and how good I was feeling in that time. Even they are no longer with me I remember them with much love. 

The second photograph that I want to show you is about travel.

 All summers my family and I like to go to the south of Chile. It is such a great trip. I choose this photo, from 2022, because it was a diferent experience.

That year we went to camping to diferent places, but this photo was taken in the  shore of Llanquihue lake. I took this photo from inside the tent, in the background you can se the volcano. 

I had never camped like and really liked it because i had so much fun. It reminds me of my family and the good times we had on those vacations.

Making this post made me feel nostagic, I think that´s all for today haha :)

6 comentarios:

  1. i love cats too!! your cats are so cute><

  2. I love the colour from the right cat <3.

  3. I´m also a cat person but my current cats, Aiko & Goku are very demanding. They are always talking to me and my wife. Plus they are very nosy and always want to be part of what´s going on (usually in the hope of finding food).

  4. what cute kittens, they remind me of my kitty.


Last Post

Hello bloggers This is the last post of the semester. I think the post I enjoyed writing the most was "A Photograph I Like" becaus...