miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2023

Something I Did Last Weekend

Hi fau bloggers!

Last week was a relaxing week for me. I went to my parents house to spend time with my family, we had so much fun together. Almost all nights we got together to watch a movie . I have a large family and I´m happy to have been able to see them last week. 

Some days I worked (I,´m a nailtech) so saw a lot of clients and did her nails. We talked and we catch up with the gossip of the month. We always had so much fun together.

On friday after I finish my worked of the day I went out with friends. We went to a bar just to had some drinks but somehow we ended up in the disco until 5 a.m haha! We had so much fun. 

And finally, in the weekend I went to Viña del Mar to see my boyfriend who lives there. The days were sunny so we spend time at the beach, we went to a lot of restaurant and just enjoy the company of each other. 

In a summary, last week I was able to relax and just had fun with people I love. 

6 comentarios:

  1. sound like a great weekend! that photo is yours? looks so irreal, really beautiful!!!<3

  2. Nice Viña del Mar, a good place to relax and enjoy <3

  3. It was a very dynamic weekend, sound very funny

  4. Cool. I haven't been to Viña for a few years.

  5. For me, Viña is the best place to visit in the weekend


Last Post

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