miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023

A Family Meal

 A family dinner that I remember is when my family and I went on vacation to Playas Blancas when I was about 10-11 years old. 

We had a cabin there so they always invite my aunts, uncles, grandparents and other relatives yo spend time together. 

While I played with my cousins my family organizes to make dinner, wich always includes a roast and many different salads. today we hardly do barbecues, many of us are now vegetarians so we prefer plant-based food. 

When dinner was ready the children ate at the children´s table and the adults at the adults table because we were always too many for a single table haha!

The after dinner talk was always long, I also remember that my brother used to play the guitar in the afternoons. 

I have very good memories of those times. 

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