miércoles, 5 de abril de 2023

My Hobby


In this blog today I´m going to write about my hobbie.

I really like to read. I usually read fiction books, I have others hobbies but I think that reading has been what lasted the most over time. 

All started when I read "Harry Potter And The Philosopher´s Stone" for a class in 8° grade. I liked the book so much that I finished the saga after the test in school. 

In the begining I only read sagas. I read" The Hunger Games", "Divergent", "Shadowhunters", "Hush Hush", "Fallen", among others. 

Then I started to read books like "Paper Towns", "Me Before You", "The Fault In Ours Stars". I also remember I read "Dracula", and I really liked it. 

But, I think sagas is my thing so I keep going back to them. Last year I read "Throne of Glass" by Sarah J. Mass and it became by favourite so far, the plot ir so captivating. I really recommend this saga. 

Now I´m reading "Lunar Chronicles" by Marissa Meyer, which is a saga where the main characters are some of  the typical princesses that we all know: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood or Rapunzel, but in a completely different and futuristic world. So far I really liked it. 

I like having the books in their physical version, but sometimes it´s a bit difficult so I also have some in their digital version. 

I read a lot in vacation but starting classes it´s hard for me to find time to do it, so it tajkes me so much longer to finish a book or a saga.

I think I like to read because is a way to travel to other worlds and forget about reality for a while. It´s so fun . 

I really recommend you all of the books I mention here, I hope you liked it.  

2 comentarios:

  1. i dont like to much read but i really like sagas like Harry Potter or the hunger games, in fact now i wait for the new the hunger games movie I know that it is also made from one of the books in the saga.

  2. Ok. 2 recommendations: First Susan Copper´s Under Sea Under Stone (a really amazing Childrens series) and The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin. Happy reading.


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